Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Dutch prove that they are ALL on pot

The Netherlands is the first European country to legally ban the Burqa. This was a clearly politically motivated move by the Dutch centre-left coalitiong government that is up for re-election this Wednesday. Beyond the obvious ramifications for race relations and the prospects for political stability for Europe, the reasons given for the ban are just ridiculous.

The reasons given for banning the Burqa are, in the words of "Iron Rita" Rita Verdonk "the cabinet finds it undesirable that face-covering clothing - including the burqa - is worn in public places for reasons of public order, security and protection of citizens". She added, "From a security standpoint, people should always be recognisable and from the standpoint of integration, we think people should be able to communicate with one another".

Non-Muslims South Asians are not known for sympathising with our bearded and skinned bretheren but I think on this issue we have to cry a collective "WTF". We didnt know that covering our face was a national security issue. Are beards, sunglasses, hats, caps, visors, respiratory masks, ski masks and long hair to be outlawed soon? Will travel advisories be issued by embassies asking all visitors to the Netherlands to please shave on arrival?

Ofcourse our indignation will be in vain. As I type, some monkey with RDX is planning on bombing a Dutch embassy somewhere. Other monkeys are wondering where to buy the Dutch flag to burn it in the streets tomorrow. More gifted primates are wondering what the Dutch export (oh no, its OIL isnt it?) and how to boycott them. These activities will do nothing to un-ban Islamic haute couture from the streets of Amsterdam, but rather will end up extending the ban to beards (for the same reason), skull caps (hiding baldness is damaging to morale of European christian baldies) and circumsicion (creating extra pleasure for European women damages national security by encouraging consorting with enemy, especially in the "Axis of Evil" position).

I suggest that the more well-heeld among my male readers wear burqas on their next trip to Holland as a mark of protest. Indeed, I hope that fashion designers make the roomy garment their trend of the month (using their secret trend-setting powers). This nonsense has to stop. Its alright to abuse the Muslims, just learn from us South Asians and do it intelligently.

P.S I love Muslims very much. Its just that few other people do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this post is hilarious. i must admit the first thing that came to mind was, BOYCOTT BOYCOTT.. i guess im one of those gifted primates:D