Monday, November 20, 2006

The Highway of Blame

The GOSL has been brow-beaten by international pressure and aid agencies into opening the main artery to Jaffna, the A9 road, for one day to allow humanitarian supplies through to the North and East. So now the citizens of the North and East are the GOSL's responsibility. What happened to the LTTE representing the entire Tamil clan? What about the claims of kinship from Indian Tamils? Couldn't the boats carrying tonnes of arms, ammunition and explosive and hundreds of fighters have fit in a couple of bags of rice or a few spare packets of Maggi? All purely rhetorical questions ofcourse. Noone really cares for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, not even the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. However the LTTE and Indian Tamil community is very good at political posturing and lobbying. They have played the International Community and spineless international aid agencies into placing the entire responsibility for feeding the people of the North and East on the GOSL.

I have to remind readers that it was the LTTE that cancelled peace negotiations over this highway. A cessation of hostilities would have been a far greater boon to the Tamil people than the opening of a highway (which is openely taxed by the LTTE in its "jurisdiction"). What happens to those taxes anyway? Are they used to build hospitals, courts, telephone lines, power stations or ports? We all know where the money goes, to arms dealers and the numbered Swiss bank accounts.

The International Community and Indian Tamils should decide who they see as truly responsible for Sri Lankan Tamils and offer their assistance accordingly. International agencies should simply stay out of politics. They dont need a road to help the people of Sri Lanka, they can just get out of their airconditioned BMW 4W drives and go into villages and homes doing the job their donors sent them to do.

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