Wednesday, November 22, 2006

GOSL grows finally grows a nut or two

Sri Lanka military spokesman Brig Prasad Samarasinghe said the air raids targeted a training camp run by the Sea Tigers. "This was not due to provocation as such. This was a known target. Every day the navy is getting hammered [in sea clashes], so to pre-empt that the air force has taken the target."

Translation: "The Sea Tigers are terrorists, not recreational divers/fisherman/marine scientists and we'll bomb them where we find them. Now kindly fuck off and harass someone else."

Its about time the GOSL took this approach with the LTTE and told NGOs and the international community off. How are you expected to fight a war against a terrorist group if you have to wait to be attacked for you to attack. The GOSL is currently being put in the ridiculous position of having to host terrorists (who have literally running the peace process off the road) who roam freely in their violently acquired "territory" and launch terrorist and conventional attacks as and when they fancy. To any impartial observer, and even to a partial observer with a spare neuron or two, this is too humiliating a pill for any Government (atleast one with a spare tank or fighter jet) to swallow. This most recent act of measure aggression (only 20 bombs were dropped) and its accompanying press release politely clarifies to the international community the GOSL's strategy in dealing with terrorism. I hope this is a start towards eliminating those ridiculous "No comment/We are investigating" military press statements.

It was about time the GOSL showed that it is responsible for the serious business of running and protecting a soveriegn nation, not competing in an international popularity contest.

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