Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dating Indian people

I think everyone should date an Indian atleast once in their life. Its like being strapped on to a rollercoaster for days, weeks, months, years at an end. Indian people are often beautiful inside/out/both and live every second with a person passion that is rare in other peoples. What is this "personal passion" nonsense i'm talking about? Talk to any Indian, and you will find that he/she is passionate about something. Money, sex, power, education or sport. They will pursue this passion to the fullest extent of their abilities and resources. You, as their significant other, will just be taken on the ride. Sometimes as a passenger, sometimes as the wheels, sometimes in the carriage trying to catch up.

Dating an Indian will give you an innate and deep psychic sense. You will begin to see boredom in a smile, love in a frown, irritation in laughter. Counter-intuitive shit I tell you. You will also know the true meaning of addiction. You will tolerate immense quantities of abuse, confusion and cultural oddities just for the pure joy of being with your Indian, and receiving what they have to offer. You will be more stoned/spaced out/smashed than the richest junkie and feel the depths of withdrawal worse than a poppy eating dog. You will also find yourself morphing into the stereotypical indian villager/urbanite/intellectual (depending on you're Indian). Yes, you're culture, even White people's, will have no say in the matter. Eventually, you will become Indian too and the only option you will have left, is to pick which kind. I chose Punjabi (sexy buggers).

You will love every second of it and keep coming back for more.

P.S If I hynotised anyone with all the "You will" then "You will deposite one millionnnnnn dollars in my bank account" *chew on pinky finger*


Chathuranga Neminda said...

The freakin nerve…
You've become an OnPar phenomenon.

The audacity, just because you’re a wannabe Indian now!

The vague attempts follow: such as the “YARRR” which progressed to the sick little beard and now we have to date Indians who are ideally Panjabi’s

Wow... the journey to find one’s true self has begun. Thanks man… really.

AnthonyJS said...

Dear readers, this is Chathuranga, a friend of mine from work back in the day. He's a marxist, sinhala nationalist (but loves Tamil and white people), music nut and alcoholic. He's also one of two great web designers i've had the pleasure of knowing.

The On Par phenomenon is a fully fledged theory loosely based "on keeping up with Joneses". Read his blog for more.

I agree you bugger, but I havent adjusted to find my true self, its the addiction i tell you.

Spend enough time with Indian people and you'll find yourself humming Lamhe and eating naan in no time. Its like those Axe ads.

Nice to hear from an old friend and a new reader though.

arpit.chapagain said...

You might love the naan and the "lamhe". You might very well love the whole lot of them.

Doesn't mean you have to go ahead and bloody admit it.

AnthonyJS said...

I am trying honesty as a marketing technique to bring in readership. It'll stop soon, dont worry.