Sunday, December 3, 2006

Praying in the Loo

Facing an Ethics exam for which I was intuitively, intellectually and academically unprepared, I decided to take the Christian way out. I prayed. In the bathroom. Why the bathroom you may ask?

Well, people of my/our generation look upon praying as something similar in style and substance to cannibalism. Something done by strange, superstitious people in primitive countries far away. So I hid my faith and prayed in the bathroom. I've been praying for exams in the bathroom for years now and its only this blogging thing that has given me the confidence to express my frustration.

It is just bloody wrong that religious people are treated like crackos and have to keep their faith locked in private homes and in public toilets. This while divisive political opinions are aired freely, couples grab each others' ass in public and gay ppl parade around in parodies of the opposite sex. I have no issues with any of these activities, and society does not permit me to have any issues. So why should political firebrands, horny couples and gay people have the right to look down on my religious "fervour"?

Blaming a disrespect of religion on the religious violence of the present is a cynical fallacy. World War 1, 2 were fought for political goals, all terrorism is based on political goals and World War 3 will also be fought over political goals. Wars have also been fought over money, race, colour, caste and nationalism. So why does religion come in for special flak?

Is it because religion is not compatible with the "mood of the times"? Anyone who believes that, elevates the status of the young, rich and cosmopolitan from an insignificant minority to the arbiter of global zeitgeist. This is ofcourse utter cock. The vast majority of the world in absolute terms is conservative, poor and religious.

Religion therefore should be enjoying a stable, respectable position in the modern world. But it doesnt. That explains the grumbling tone of this post.

I'm off to pray. For my generation.

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