Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Emergency Law imposed - Repressive or Required?

The next few months will be a testing time for ordinary Sri Lankans as the security forces have been given sweeping powers to stop, question, arrest and interrogate anyone they deem a threat to national security. In summary, its a hardcore version of the U.S anti-terror bill. The results on Colombo life will be grave.

Tamil people in Colombo are already edgy from the one-every-three-km security stops, and the imposition of the Emergency Law will do nothing to relieve the tension. I think we'll see a huge decrease in the night-time festivities and other outdoor socialising. Further, my pet peeve of airport security and customs will be be exacerbated as the security forces take every effort to root out terrorism in the commercial and tourist nerve centre of the country.

I am really torn on this law. On the personal level, as Tamil on holiday in Sri Lanka and who will be holidaying in India, I am extremely concerned. I expect to be harassed or question at every turn. As a Sri Lankan though, I feel sad to say that there is really no other choice for the Sri Lankan government. Fighting an enemy that uses suicide bombers and sleeper cells, really involves treating every citizen as a potential combatant.

I pray that the Sri Lankan security forces show restraint and do their job in an efficient and civilized manner. I also hope that nothing untoward happens to any citizen of Sri Lanka, Tamil or Sinhala. The one thing our country doesn't need is more people bearing grudges.


Anonymous said...

Yes understandable that Sri Lankan Government has to check the Tamils. No questions about it. But the sad scene is, just like in U.S it boils down to basic human rights. So the only way that can be sorted out is treat Tamils also as fellow Sri Lankan and check them decently as all Tamils are NOT Tigers. Also Sinhalese has to be checked in the same mannor coz some Sinhalese helps Tigers too...

AnthonyJS said...

Its BALA..:) speak the truth my friend.

For once no exaggerations and insinuations :)